How to Power Your Company Culture with Data and Feedback Loops

Over the past few years, many organizations have realized how important their company culture is. From the way they treat employees, hire new ones, to how their employees treat each other, culture is a fundamental ingredient to an organization’s success. When it’s bad or nonexistent, it’s costly, as Walmart recently found out.

Entelo CEO Jon Bischke on How to Nail Candidate Experience and Employee Retention

At Entelo, we live and breathe recruitment. Finding and hiring great people isn't just the cornerstone of what we’re building. Great people are the foundation of great companies – it's the lifeblood of how we work together.

Given our internal obsession with talent, our friends at HubSpot tapped our very own Jon Bischke to join their podcast, The Growth Show, which features leaders working to grow companies, movements, ideas, and teams. Jon and host Kipp Bodnar, HubSpot’s CMO, met at Entelo headquarters to discuss the common pitfalls ensnaring hiring managers, and what organizations can do to prioritize hiring and retention.

3 Commonly Missed Hiring Opportunities

The blueprint to hiring is often reduced to a cookie-cutter recipe: Source, outreach, interview, offer – but the key to attracting people to your company requires a concurrent formula lead by your colleagues and the marketer within you. 

A carefully planned recruiting approach is more than just building your pipeline, sending personalized emails, and scheduling interviews. Where are candidates slipping through the cracks? Here are three places to start double-checking.

How We're Defining Our Dream Team

About a year ago, our company hit a turning point. No longer a scrappy group of early employees, working out of a loft apartment, striving toward our foothold in the market.

Instead, we had become a legitimate business. Our team, which had burgeoned to 20 employees, now worked out of a real office with an actual conference room. Our brand, product and customer base were growing each day.

Yet while we successfully found the proverbial product/market fit with customers, we had begun to lose that same sense of cohesion across the team. How could we foster better team unity as we continued to grow?

Quick Fixes to Make to Your Retention Strategy

Getting people excited about their role with a company starts long before the first day in the office. Someone who isn’t riled up about your company’s mission, product, and people won’t end up working with the team.

When you do land a candidate who accepts an offer, it means you’ve found someone who believes in what the team is creating, wants to be a part of it, and has a general perception of the workplace environment. The moment the employer brand disconnects from the employee experience is the moment people become disinterested in what the company is working on, and the domino effect ultimately means these people produce lower quality work and will likely be searching for new opportunities in due time. 

One way to maintain a positive employer brand is through your onboarding program, but unfortunately, properly training people during the first few weeks on the job is one of the most overlooked, forgotten stages of the hiring process. 

Use these techniques to hold on to people for the long run.

Can Hiring Managers Resolve the Most Overlooked Retention Strategy?

After much searching and sifting, you did it – you made a hire. Filling an open role may very well be the most satisfying experiences of recruiting, but slowing down your hiring efforts here could be the difference between a candidate staying or quitting several months later. 

The way an employee transitions into a new org impacts how quickly they ramp up and integrate with their team, progress in the role, and fit in and contribute to the company's culture. Ultimately, it's crucial for a company's first impression on an employee to be its best impression, a relatively accurate representation of what's expected of each person paired with clear ways for reaching those goals. 

Your engagement strategy kicks into effect from an employee's first day on the job. Some talent pros might even argue it starts from a candidate's first interview with the team. In any case, making a hire lightens the load on the talent funnel, but it also marks the beginning of your retention strategy.

Set up the team for a successful year ahead (and longer!) with appropriate, thorough training, and companies can decrease employee turnover by 30%. Don't believe it? We asked iCIMS' Brendan Cyrus to share the details as we count down the days to our upcoming webinar, Key Components for Building a Successful Onboarding ProgramRead on. 

There Is a Bright Side to Employees Quitting, but Here's How to Keep the Team You Have Now

A few weeks back, we teamed up with The Resumator to share ways to make employee turnover work for your team. After pulling data from a recent study we did on when employees are most likely to leave their company, we sneaked to the other side of the fence and came back with strategies for how recruiters can use this to time their outreach and poaching, and how to use this to keep their current team.

Even if you didn’t catch the webinar, anyone in hiring understands turnover is all part of game, but you’ll rarely meet someone who looks forward to the day a talented employee leaves the company. Hiring someone with the mindset they’re eventually going to leave distorts the way you view their employment and your management. We’ll share four reasons employees quitting can work to your advantage, but we’ll also share four ways to turn these into applicable benefits now.

#InTheLineOfHire: How to Make Employee Turnover Work for Your Company

Remember when we shared a study on when employees are most likely to move?

We answered the “Now what?” in How Recruiters Can Use Turnover to Their Hiring Advantage, our webinar with The Resumator’s Justin Keller.

Missed the live event? Here’s the quick version.

Want to Keep Employees for the Long Run? First, Ask Candidates These Questions

Though we refuse to swear by any secret recipe, special key, or magic formula to improve the chances employees at your company stick around for the long run, one thing we will stand behind is getting involved with team members’ engagement and retention before they officially come on board – that means asking the right questions to get the best fit candidate through each stage of the hiring process.

Is your company in high gear end-of-year hiring mode? Try these questions on for size to build and curate a more qualified talent funnel.

4 Signs Your Employee Is about to Quit

You’ve spent nearly six months trying to win over a certain candidate with your open role and after finally landing the hire, you notice a steep drop in their performance. Working from home more often. Leaving the office in the middle of the day. Being oddly more tight-lipped during team meetings. Then the kicker — they hit you with the break-up. The Dear John. The Two Weeks Notice.

An employee who quits costs the company time and money to fill in for the work left unfinished, to find and train a replacement hire, and a lost in morale from other team members who could now be considering leaving the company as well. 

Keep the team together by learning how to identify and confront these issues early on, and to increase build better employee engagement and satisfaction. Here are 4 red flags an employee is about to leave your company. 

Here’s Why Your Employer Brand Needs a Revamp

In an ideal world, every candidate has heard great things about working for your company lightyears ahead of your first email outreach. 

Every year, Fortune Magazine puts together a list of the top 100 best companies to work for and even before seeing the list, a few org names already come to mind. 

Google, for example, is one of ‘em, and unsurprisingly tops the list for the fifth time in its eighth appearance in the series. What’s their secret? Along with the 99 other contenders, Google has managed to achieve a level of solid employer branding backed by a satisfied team and a strong culture with a clear set of values – all of which drive the way the company operates. 

Not yet convinced? Read on. 

What if Employees Don’t Want to Advance at the Company?

Stagnant employees can be one of a company’s biggest problems, and sticking with them for the long run leaves hiring mangers with an ultimatum – these employees either grow or go.

One discussion at this year’s HR Tech Conference sparked a debate on employees who simply aren’t interested in developing from their role within a company. 

“What if employees don’t want to grow? They like what they do and are good at it. Why do all companies have this underlying mission to develop their employees? Not everyone works that way,” one audience member said. 

How to Engage Candidates Most Likely to Quit

Now that you know when employees are most likely to quit, what's your plan for influencing how they stay? Likewise, what's your plan for reaching out to potential hires on your competitors' teams?

3 Ways to Boost Employee Engagement and Morale

No doubt – making a hire can be one of the greatest feelings as a recruiter or hiring manager. The other end of the stick, however, isn’t all that pretty and when an employee calls it quits, it can be difficult to retrace the steps to figure out where the employer-employee relationship started going awry.