Can Hiring Managers Resolve the Most Overlooked Retention Strategy?

After much searching and sifting, you did it – you made a hire. Filling an open role may very well be the most satisfying experiences of recruiting, but slowing down your hiring efforts here could be the difference between a candidate staying or quitting several months later. 

The way an employee transitions into a new org impacts how quickly they ramp up and integrate with their team, progress in the role, and fit in and contribute to the company's culture. Ultimately, it's crucial for a company's first impression on an employee to be its best impression, a relatively accurate representation of what's expected of each person paired with clear ways for reaching those goals. 

Your engagement strategy kicks into effect from an employee's first day on the job. Some talent pros might even argue it starts from a candidate's first interview with the team. In any case, making a hire lightens the load on the talent funnel, but it also marks the beginning of your retention strategy.

Set up the team for a successful year ahead (and longer!) with appropriate, thorough training, and companies can decrease employee turnover by 30%. Don't believe it? We asked iCIMS' Brendan Cyrus to share the details as we count down the days to our upcoming webinar, Key Components for Building a Successful Onboarding ProgramRead on. 

4 Onboarding Tips to Set Up Employees for Success

The first day on the job can be rough, and your company’s onboarding process can make or break the chances of a new employee sticking around a few months from now.

Hiring the most qualified candidates for your open reqs doesn’t come easy, so why let them slip through the cracks after you’ve already got them through the front door? Try applying these four tips to your onboarding process to build engagement and retention from Day 1.

Starry-Eyed about a Candidate? 5 Questions to Ask before Extending the Offer

The hunt for the right person for your open opportunity can sometimes be a long, drawn out trek. It’s uncommon to feel jaded after a few solid months of sourcing and interviewing.

Coming across someone who’s a good fit for the role and company equates to striking gold, and you’re up all night Sunday, drafting an email for a job offer to send first thing Monday morning. You’ve finally found the perfect candidate and now your biggest concern is finding a way to get him or her in the office, pronto.

Before you settle on what could be a decision made out of excitement, huddle with the rest of the hiring team to evaluate a candidate’s fit for the role. Try these questions to start.

4 Common Recruitment Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

It’s tricky – recruiting, that is. 

Between the fast-paced hiring demands and the seemingly endless hunt for pools of qualified talent, any time lost in the engagement, interviewing, and onboarding process is an unfilled position and dollars wasted.

Is your recruiting strategy helping or hurting the team?

Why Recruiters Experience Candidate Dropoff

Sourcing top talent and finding a hireable candidate isn’t easy, which can make it all the more difficult to stomach when talent rejects your offer.

Misaligned career and company goals. Bad timing. A better offer. No matter the reason, your hopes of onboarding a star candidate are crushed. The resume goes into filing and the team pockets another potential hire for future reference, whenever that time may come.

Any hitch in the company’s hiring process is a step back in onboarding a new employee, and if your team’s recruiting timeline isn’t clear with everyone involved, candidates are undoubtedly falling through the cracks. 

13 Tactics for Setting Team Expectations on Candidate Onboarding

If you’ve ever played the telephone game, you know that, as expected, somewhere along the line, one person fudges the message for everyone after. Tracing the steps back to the root of the mishap is easy, but in the world of recruiting, it could be the difference between a candidate who decides to join the team and a candidate who’s left with a bad impression of your company.