William Clarke

William Clarke is a writer for Entelo. A content strategist and social media wizard, he hails from New Jersey, but spent seven years studying craft beer and American literature in the Midwest and four years in New York helping small businesses market themselves.

Recent Posts

Referrals, Relationships and Recruiting: Hiring On All Cylinders' 100th Episode

Entelo Head of Talent Britt Ryan joins Rob and Amina for Hiring on all Cylinders 100th episode. Over some celebratory bubbles, the team chats about the art of referrals, the impact of jack of all trade employees within smaller talent acquisition teams, and how building relationships should be the number one goal of savvy recruiters thinking long term.

The Dangers of Hiring Candidates Based on Personality

This is the second in a series of ten posts on hiring candidates for characteristics linked to high performance. Each post focuses on a key candidate trait, why it matters and how recruiters can develop processes to correctly and fairly evaluate for it.

Last week, I discussed how first impressions affect our decision-making process. In this post, I’ll be looking at how recruiters can fairly assess the personalities and character of job candidates to maximize the odds of making good hires.

Personality and character are a key part of every candidate's repertoire, and traits every recruiter has to evaluate. The best hires possess a diverse combination of skills, experience, and intangibles that allow them to gel with coworkers and make contributions to teams that go far beyond their technical skillset.  

But effectively judging both personality traits and character traits is one of the most challenging parts of a recruiter’s job. As easy as it is to read someone’s basic personality, judging their deeper makeup is a completely different task made more difficult by the fact that we often confuse personality with character and vice versa.

Here's why and how recruiters should avoid making this common mistake. 

The Candidate is Your Customer: SmartRecruiters CEO Jerome Ternynck

SmartRecruiters CEO Jerome Ternynck joins Hiring On All Cylinders this week to chat about what’s on the horizon for the company after raising their Series C funding round. Alongside Entelo CEO Jon Bischke and host Rob Stevenson, Jerome discusses how the recruiting technology space is adapting to  increasingly fluid global talent pools and why platform-based solutions are driving the recruiting industry forward with better, more flexible product suites.

What the Science of First Impressions Can Tell Us About Recruiting

This is the first in a series of ten posts on hiring candidates for characteristics linked to high performance. Each post focuses on a key candidate trait, why it matters and how recruiters can develop processes to correctly and fairly evaluate for it.

So, over the course of the next few months, we’ll publish a post on each trait from that post, beginning with first impressions. (If you want to see the other nine traits, check out the original post here.)

First impressions play a dominant role in society. Every day, impressions impact numerous interactions, influence how we feel about those interactions, drive many of our opinions, and in general, influence how we engage with the world.

Recruiters are Business Partners: Entelo Head of Recruiting Britt Ryan

Entelo Head of Recruiting Britt Ryan joins the team to chat about how she’s ramping up the org’s hiring strategies, what she’s got in the cooker for her first 30 days and beyond, and her vision for creating an even more efficient and effective Entelo hiring team.

Announcing the 2017 Entelo Recruiting Trends Report

Earlier this year, Entelo surveyed more than 740 talent acquisition professionals and leaders from around the world to identify the trends and innovations driving the recruiting and hiring industry forward. The results are unparallelled in scope, offering hard data on the strategies driving candidate engagement and outreach, employer branding, diversity and inclusion initiatives, and the rising importance of predictive analytics.

Why You Can’t Build a Global Org Without Diversity of Thought and Experience: Shopify’s Anna Lambert

The Hiring on All Cylinders team caught up with Anna Lambert, Director of Talent Acquisition for Ottawa-based Shopify. Since she started out as an HR intern, Anna leapt up the ranks and helped Shopify go from 43 to over 1,500 employees. Anna chats with the team about how she went from interviewing for a marketing position to joining as an HR hire and how she manages an international talent acquisition team across multiple offices.

9 Newsletters and Blogs to Make You a Smarter Recruiter

Content is the currency of the internet. Yet there’s so much out there these days, that finding interesting, relevant and, most importantly, curated articles is a full-time job. If you’re like us, you don’t have a ton of time to comb the World Wide Web every day, but you still want to read the good stuff. The goal, after all, is to find the right information, not all of the information.

Newsletters are the single best way to see the best stuff from every corner of the internet in one place. They’re like content cheatsheets. Blogs are a similar, slightly more exhaustive version of newsletters. Both deliver the interesting and relevant intel straight to your inbox in witty, readable, clever nuggets.

But picking the right content resource is like picking the right cable package; it all depends on your interests and habits. Sign up for too many and you’ll spend more time stressing over what to read than actual reading. 

Here are my favorite newsletters and blogs. They cover every facet of my life, including my love for current events, technology, recruiting, business, and productivity. Reading them will no doubt make you smarter and better informed, but they’ll also give you fuel and inspiration for those rainy days when you’ve run out of ideas.

How Bill Boorman Would Make Hiring and Recruiting Less Shoddy

Bill Boorman, #tru conferences founder and recruiting industry luminary, joined Entelo CEO Jon Bischke and host Rob Stevenson in the Hiring On All Cylinders studio for a conversation about the future of recruiting technology. They chatted about the rise of artificial intelligence in hiring, the underappreciated importance of conversations with candidates, and why employee value propositions mean giving people the opportunity to find more enjoyable, meaningful work.

From Branding, Sourcing, and Diversity to Data Analytics: Five Talent Powerhouse Takeaways

Entelo’s Talent Powerhouse Series came to a close this week, rounding up five of the talent industry’s most powerful influencers and practitioners to share their tactics for building and growing an organization.

Shally Steckerl, Meghan M. Biro, Robin Erickson, Lou Adler, and Katie Gechijian brought to the table their unique experiences, perspectives, and research on today’s talent market. Each of the Powerhouse webinars focused on solutions to the biggest challenges in hiring. Creating advanced sourcing strategies. The value and impact of employer branding on engaging candidates and retaining employees. How to develop a mature talent acquisition function. Why talent analytics can help recruiters close more, higher quality candidates. The key to getting executive buy-in on diversity hiring.

The ROI of Hiring the Right People with Greenhouse Software’s Maia Josebachvili

Maia Josebachvili, VP of People and Strategy at Greenhouse Software, joins the Hiring On All Cylinders team to discuss her work developing a system to measure employee lifetime value. As Maia explains, she began thinking about employee lifetime value because she was trying to figure out the precise ROI of hiring the right people. As a former Wall Street trader, she naturally developed a data-centric, mathematical approach to the question and developed some interesting conclusions that mapped out what factors contribute to the value employees generate for their organizations. 

The Importance of Mentorship, Pushback, and Curiosity in Talent Acquisition, as told by Katie Gechijian

Ahead of her upcoming Entelo webinar, Katie Gechijian stopped by Hiring On All Cylinders at last month’s SourceCon to chat about her work mentoring new sourcers and recruiters, what makes informal and formal recruiting networks so valuable, and why it’s so important that inclusivity strategies get baked into the sourcing and recruiting cake from the very beginning of each individual search.

How to Power Your Company Culture with Data and Feedback Loops

Over the past few years, many organizations have realized how important their company culture is. From the way they treat employees, hire new ones, to how their employees treat each other, culture is a fundamental ingredient to an organization’s success. When it’s bad or nonexistent, it’s costly, as Walmart recently found out.

These Five Seth Godin Insights Will Help You Recruit Better

Recruiting is a tough job and hiring is a front line business function. You’re the first point of contact for a lot of people, which means recruiting has a lot more in common with sales and marketing than it does with other HR functions.

It’s nothing new that recruiters need to think like marketers, and thinking outside the traditional recruiting box is one way to make that a reality. That’s where Seth Godin turns into a handy fount of recruiting wisdom.

Lessons from HR Tech: Candidate Transparency, Employer Branding, and the Future of Hiring

As the official podcast of the HR Technology Conference & Expo, Hiring On All Cylinders was at the heart of the action as thousands of recruitefrs and talent acquisition pros descended on Chicago’s McCormick Place.

With such an unrivaled group of talent acquisition thinkers, practitioners, analysts, entrepreneurs and all-around smart people in one place, Hiring on All Cylinders was on a mission to talk to as many of them as possible. And boy did we.

Over the course of three days, a veritable who’s who sat down to chat with the Entelo team on HOAC. Everyone from RecruitingDaily’s Matt Charney to Analyst Naomi Bloom to The Muse CEO Kathryn Minshew and even HR Tech founder Bill Kutik dropped by the booth to share their thoughts, impressions, ideas and opinions on the trends and challenges in the wide world of HR technology.