Referrals, Relationships and Recruiting: Hiring On All Cylinders' 100th Episode

December 8, 2016 at 9:00 AM by William Clarke

HOAC BANNER.pngEntelo Head of Talent Britt Ryan joins Rob and Amina for Hiring on all Cylinders 100th episode. Over some celebratory bubbles, the team chats about the art of referrals, the impact of jack of all trade employees within smaller talent acquisition teams, and how building relationships should be the number one goal of savvy recruiters thinking long term.

Tune in to hear about:

  • Benchmarking success for recruiters and sourcers by looking at trends
  • Why engaging current employees in the recruiting process is so valuable
  • How hiring engineers out of college can impact and improve diversity and inclusion

Check out the episode below, or head over to iTunes or Google Play to subscribe.

Related articles:
The Five Essential Steps to Creating an Employee Referral Program
5 Habits Every Recruiter Needs for Killer Results 
Using Rejected Candidates as a Referral Pool 

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