Why Sourcing Parties Are Your New Best Way to Find Talent

No matter the job, finding good candidates is a bear. Everyone from a restaurant manager to a startup CEO to a hiring manager at a Fortune 500 company will tell you so. The modern economy demands highly specific, hard to find skillsets that all too few (readily hireable) people possess. It’s up to recruiters to bridge the gap.

The Four Best Resources for Brushing Up On Boolean

Boolean logic is one of the savvy recruiter’s most basic, yet powerful tools. That’s because Boolean search is applicable to every platform you use to source talent, whether it’s Google, Twitter, or Facebook. Using Boolean search well not only helps you find more top talent, but it also hones in on specific candidates that fit your location or skillset criteria.

Bloomberg TV and Entelo Engineering Director Discuss Silicon Valley’s Diversity Problem

Did you know women only make up 6% of tech company CEOs?

Many of the world’s leading organizations, including Facebook, IBM, and Intel, have recently implemented hiring initiatives dedicated to improving workplace diversity – so why is hiring more women still a big problem for Silicon Valley?

Why You Need to Make Recruiting and Hiring a Team Sport

Hiring stellar talent takes planning, constant communication, and solid execution. You can’t just send recruiters into the fray with a job req and expect good things to happen. No individual can know it all. That’s why the best hiring occurs when everyone is on the same page and working together. Here’s how to jumpstart your hiring with a healthy dose of teamwork.

Diversity and Inclusion in Team Building with Leslie Miley

Engineering manager Leslie Miley recently made headlines when he departed Twitter due to concerns about diversity hiring initiatives, citing the recruiting, cultural, and implicit bias concerns that stand in the way of building an inclusive team.

What the Oscars Can Teach Organizations About Hiring Strategy

The world’s most glamorous trade show kicks off this Sunday and millions of people will be glued to their televisions.  Yep, it’s that time of year again: Oscars season. If you’re a movie buff, the Academy Awards is can’t-miss TV of the highest order – but what does that all have to do with recruiting? Well, these movies have a lot to say about the world we live in right now, and the world we live in right now has everything to do with recruiting.

Not quite convinced? Read on.

The 9 Best Productivity Apps for Recruiters

Recruiting requires constantly managing competing priorities. Even the most organized, Type A recruiters can struggle to get it all done. You could drink 10 cups of a coffee a day while you grind from 8 am to 8 pm, but that’s not sustainable. The key is maintaining your efficiency and productivity (and sanity) every day. Since you only have so much useful time, your best bet to be a task-crushing, goal achieving, recruiter extraordinaire is to leverage new tools, in particular, apps.

3 Recruiting Metrics That Don’t Tell the Whole Story

Across the recruiting industry there is a push to become more metrics and data-driven, and that push comes from a logical place: If we don’t hire the people we need, our companies will be understaffed and resource-strapped. In recruiting, like in other departments, the key to our success lives in data and analytics.

Introducing the World's Greatest Sourcer 2016

Entelo and The Sourcing Institute have once again joined forces to bring you the World's Greatest Sourcer 2016 competition! 

Sourcers, recruiters, and other talent pros far and wide are invited to participate in the sourcing pentathlon designed to showcase the cream of the hiring crop. Whether you're a seasoned expert with a knack for finding people, or a newbie on the scene looking to hone your competitive edge, join us!

5 Habits Every Recruiter Needs for Killer Results

“All our life is a mass of habits,” wrote philosopher William James. Habits, both good and bad, play a powerful role in our lives. Consider your habits at the office? Coffee, Facebook, check email, read the news, grab a snack. Which actively contribute to your success or inhibit it? Now, wipe the slate clean, because we’ve got five daily habits to drive your productivity and keep you recruiting like a rockstar.

The Answers to Five Newbie Recruiter Questions You Might Have Been Too Embarrassed to Ask

No one ever wants to be that person out of the loop – the one who couldn’t tell the difference between a Git fork and Git clone, the number of characters in a tweet, or the definition of a lead.

Fear not: It happens to the best of us sometimes. Keeping track of every new website, innovation, or theory is impossible. To help you avoid that awkward moment next time, here are the answers to a few questions you may have not have wanted to ask your coworkers.

Four Tips to Supercharge Your Recruiting in 2016

Newsflash: Recruiting is a results-oriented business. But in a business that depends so much on other people, the only way to guarantee good results is by upping your game by focusing on the fundamentals.

Here are four can’t-miss ways to supercharge your results this year.

3 Ways to Curate Your Hiring Plan for 2016

Getting into a routine recruiting process can be beneficial for some time, but if you’re not stepping back to refresh your methods, the long-term effects can hurt your hiring goals.

Curious about what you’re missing out on? Here’s how other talent pros are giving their hiring a makeover.

How to Bring a Competitive Edge to the Screening Process through Branding

Everybody understands the practical advantages of background screening, from encouraging a safer workplace to dodging internal harms like fraud or data breaches. However, there are lesser understood advantages that can also greatly benefit your organization — benefits like greater employee engagement, higher retention and a stronger sense of employer brand.

Engaging and keeping your top team members is greatly influenced by the candidate experience, but it doesn’t stop there.

Recruiter: The Strategic Talent Partner

I’ve recently found myself in a situation where I’m building a recruitment team from the ground up once again. Earlier this year I joined Imgur at their HQ in San Francisco as the Director of Talent Acquisition. As I continue to build out the team, I’m reminded how difficult it is to find great recruiting talent. I’m constantly amazed at the tunnel vision recruiters have when I meet with them.