4 Ways to Make Your Company More Inclusive for Women

Several decades ago, symphony orchestras across the country began to implement blind auditions, and what happened next was nothing short of extraordinary. After years of very few (if any) female musicians, orchestras began to hire women in droves. Why? Because they had successfully removed a chief source of bias from their hiring practices. This, in turn, led to a virtuous cycle where more women auditioned for symphony orchestras, which further increased the percentage of women musicians.

Are You Wasting Your Diverse Workforce?

Hiring diverse candidates is just the tip of the iceberg on making progress on your diversity initiative. Some of the companies that do put effort into their diversity recruitment squander the results. The experiences of their diverse employees they could leverage, their innovative ideas and perspectives, are often left untapped. Why? Part of it is because teams don’t ask and don’t listen.

Bloomberg TV and Entelo Engineering Director Discuss Silicon Valley’s Diversity Problem

Did you know women only make up 6% of tech company CEOs?

Many of the world’s leading organizations, including Facebook, IBM, and Intel, have recently implemented hiring initiatives dedicated to improving workplace diversity – so why is hiring more women still a big problem for Silicon Valley?

Diversity and Inclusion in Team Building with Leslie Miley

Engineering manager Leslie Miley recently made headlines when he departed Twitter due to concerns about diversity hiring initiatives, citing the recruiting, cultural, and implicit bias concerns that stand in the way of building an inclusive team.

Why You Haven't Yet Found the Best Person for the Job

The push for workplace diversity is no new tale. It's not a race or a numbers game, either.

But defining your hiring strategy as finding the best person for the job? Ashley Doyal says you're missing the point.

Bloomberg TV and Entelo Discuss Improving Workplace Diversity in Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is notorious for being the homebase for many of the world's largest tech companies and an ever-growing population of emerging startups. On another front, the hub for leading innovation is also known for its less-than-impressive diversity reports exposing the underrepresentation of women and minorities in the workforce.

Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon, and Pinterest released their own diversity numbers in the last year, revealing the Valley's male-dominated industry and unmissable, unsuccessful initiatives to cultivate a mix of employees with diverse backgrounds.

In the midst of the ongoing conversations striving to solve tech's diversity problems, Entelo CEO Jon Bischke was featured on Bloomberg TV to discuss the algorithm already helping dozens of companies, including Microsoft, Facebook, and Yelp, meet their diversity initiatives – Entelo Diversity.

Announcing Entelo Diversity

It’s with great pleasure that we’re announcing the launch of Entelo Diversity.

The genesis of Diversity occurred well over a year ago when we surfaced a recurring need among our customer base: More powerful tools to ensure that they were recruiting a diverse mix of candidates. Specifically, a common request among many of our customers was a desire to improve the gender balance among their engineering teams. 

Diversity is a hot button issue. In fact, there’s a pretty large segment of the population that might think that what we are doing with Entelo Diversity is wrong or possibly even a violation of employment law. We knew when we started talking about this product that it could generate some controversy and thought for a long time about that. In the end, we felt very strongly that the potential good of a tool like Entelo Diversity far outweighed any potential negative commentary we’d receive.