Grace Newman

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2020 Guide To Diversity & Inclusion Events, Part 1

After talking to hundreds of recruiters and HR professionals about their diversity and inclusion initiatives, we found there to be a major gap between D&I efforts and results. While over 58% of recruiting teams surveyed in our 2019 Trends Report had some sort of D&I initiative in place, 50% believed they should be doing more to ensure a fair and unbiased hiring process. 

4 Ways To Cut Through The Noise And Get Your Email Read By Candidates

We are all aware of the state of today’s talent market - that it is, in fact, a candidate’s market. Because there are more jobs than candidates to fill them, employers are left to compete over the same talent. This, in turn, means candidates are inundated with similar-sounding recruiting emails that more often than not, are doomed to the ‘mark unread’ button.

So how do you make your email stand out against the noise? We’ve put together four simple strategies you can apply today to get in front of your top notch candidates with the right message at the right time. 

How Gamification Can Transform Your Recruiting Team

Gamification has received a lot of airtime lately, and for good reason - the benefits of gamification in the workplace range from higher employee engagement and participation to increased creativity and knowledge retention. In fact, in one recent study, 90% of employees experienced increased productivity in a gamified work environment.  

However, successfully deploying a gamification initiative requires that you reward the right behaviors - as these will become the best practices for your team. If you set goals that ignore workflow and process, there’s a good chance you’ll cultivate a “by any means necessary” approach in which short cuts become common practice. 

Here are three applications of gamification that reinforce workflow best practices AND help your team hit hiring goals.

Are You Certified? Start 2020 On The Right Foot With These Recruiting Credentials

Back in 2014, we wrote about the state of recruiting certification programs and how to decide if they made sense for you. At the time, LinkedIn had just come out with their recruiter certification program– leading the way for many more to follow suit. 

Today, the offerings have increased exponentially - from programs that cover the basics to those focused in on areas such as D&I and recruitment marketing. We've done our research and cherry picked the top 5 programs to get you started on the right foot in 2020. Happy learning!

CHEATSHEET: How To Source Software Engineers

While you won’t be writing lines of code or designing web applications as a technical recruiter, you still need a baseline understanding of software engineering to be successful. And in an industry that never stands still, it requires constant and diligent effort to stay in the know of the world of engineering– even for the most seasoned recruiters.

Our 2020 Cheat Sheet lays it all out for you: the tech speak and lingo, skills and proficiencies to look out for, and the best places to find tech talent. Print it out and keep it by your desk for quick and efficient sourcing in 2020:

CHECKLIST: How To Evaluate A Sourcing Vendor

It’s hard to not be overwhelmed by today’s sourcing technology market. It’s no longer just LinkedIn or bust - now there’s tools that offer automation, some that specialize in tech talent, still others that function like CRMs. Some are stand alone platforms, while others provide added functionality to your current workflow. With the seemingly endless options available, it’s no wonder that the software evaluation process has become convoluted and frankly, broken.

When you set out to evaluate a new tool for your team, what you are really trying to decipher is its ROI. That’s why we’ve put together the Vendor Evaluation Checklist - to help you dig past the stats, jargon, and buzzwords so that you can understand the true value a tool will bring to your team. 

2020 Guide To Recruiting & HR Events, Part 1

With the new year around the corner, it's time to start thinking through your 2020 plan. What are your top hiring priorities? What skills and technology gaps stand in the way of those priorities? How can you equip your team with the necessary skillset and resources? 

VIDEO: Gender Bias by the Numbers

While significant progress has been made since the days of suffragettes, there is much to be done in order to secure gender equality. In fact, with the current rate of progress, the gender pay gap will remain for another 108 years - a timeline we can all agree is just not good enough.

One of the biggest fuelers of gender inequality in the workplace is institutionalized bias. And one of the reasons bias is so pervasive and persistent is because a majority of the time it’s unconscious - so ingrained into our daily interactions, collaborations, and perspectives that we just don’t notice it. 

Here’s a snapshot of the current state of gender bias and how to identify it within your workplace:

2 Events This November That Will Help You Uplevel Your Candidate Experience

As we head into the last few months of 2019, it’s easy to get caught up in our increasingly busy schedules and much more difficult to proactively set ourselves up for success in the new year. However by dedicating an hour or two in November for a webinar or networking event, you can pick up great strategies and gain new perspectives to help you prioritize your 2020 goals. 


Get started by attending one (or both) of these two great events aimed at arming you with the know-how to take your candidate experience to the next level:

Cheat Sheet: How To Source Data Scientists

Over the last 6 years, the demand for data scientists has increased by 344% –  a 29% increase year over year. In fact, the demand for data scientists is growing so fast, it has far exceeded the current talent supply.


If you have a DS job req on your plate, then you are no stranger this talent shortage. In a field with more job openings than candidates, it's critical that employers find a competitive edge to capture the attention of data science talent.


At Entelo, we believe that competitive advantage starts with your sourcing practices. That’s why we’ve put together this Data Science Sourcing Cheat Sheet to serve as a guideline to help structure your candidate searches. Print this cheat sheet and keep it at your desk for quick sourcing tips, tricks, and ideas at your fingertips.


The Step-by-Step Guide To Creating An Effective Candidate Nurture Campaign

As any seasoned recruiter knows, it often takes more than just one email to catch a candidate’s eye. In fact, recruiters who consistently leverage follow-up emails receive 50% more replies overall than those who do not. That’s why more and more recruiting teams are taking a page out the marketing book and investing time and resources into candidate nurture campaigns. 


However, an increase in emails to candidates doesn’t necessarily equate to an increase in positive responsiveness. Rather, if your messaging comes across as repetitive and demanding, you run the risk of annoying candidates and ultimately damaging your company’s employer brand. 


Don’t let that dissuade you from nurture campaigns all together! With the right know-how, you can get in front of the candidates with the right message, at the right time. Follow this step-by-step guide and you’ll be well on your way to more effective candidate email nurture campaigns.

2019 Guide To Recruiting & HR Events, Part 2

The fall events season is in full swing, which means thousands of valuable opportunities for professional and personal development. Yet with the seemingly endless roster of 2019 conferences, seminars, meetups, and networking events, choosing the events best suited to your goals can be a daunting task. That's why we've searched high and low to bring you this fall's best events... Welcome to the second installment of the 2019 Guide To Recruiting & HR Events!

Entelo Acquires ConveyIQ, Raises Additional Funding

While it’s been a bit quieter on the Entelo blog as of late, we’ve been working on something BIG behind the scenes and we’re excited to finally be able to share the news with you.

Announced just this morning, Entelo has acquired ConveyIQ, the leading candidate engagement platform for screening, interviewing, and hiring top talent. This is a giant leap forward for the Entelo recruiting automation suite, making way for the creation of the most powerful – and only – end-to-end sourcing to hire recruitment platform. To fuel such an ambitious undertaking, Entelo has also secured a new round of venture funding. 

How To Build A Recruiting & HR Tech Stack

The list of vendors in the HR tech space is only growing. At our last count, there were 56 vendors within the Recruiting Automation space alone, specializing in everything from interview scheduling, to chat bots and automated sourcing. With so many options to choose from, the power is now in buyers' hands to build a personalized end-to-end tech stack.

May’s Can’t-Miss Events & Resources for Professional Development

If our 2019 Guide To Recruiting & HR Events is any indication, at Entelo we get really excited about any opportunity to step outside the normal 9-5 and learn from industry leaders and peers. As an avid reader of the Entelo blog, we’re sure that you do too. Well, get your notebook and your reading-glasses-you-don’t-really-need-but-make-you-look-smart ready, because May is lining up to be a great one for professional development.