Jon Bischke

Founder and CEO of Entelo -- An experienced entrepreneur focused on the intersection of education, employment and technology, Jon Bischke is the co-founder and CEO of Entelo. Previously, Jon was an Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) at Battery Ventures. Prior to that, he was part of the founding teams of a number of companies including Zaadz (acquired by Gaiam, NSDQ:GAIA) and 2000Tutor (acquired by Penton Media, NYSE: PME). Jon has a Masters in Business Administration from the Anderson School of Management at UCLA and a Bachelor of Science in Business from The University of Minnesota.

Recent Posts

Announcing $3.5 Million in Funding for Entelo

We're very proud to announce today $3.5 million in funding from Battery Ventures and Menlo Ventures. We're excited about the future for Entelo and looking forward to building even better tools to help the world's fastest-growing companies to better identify and engage with talent. We're just getting started and are very grateful to all of you who've supported us along the way.

Are You Experienced? New “Years of Experience” Filter Live on Entelo

One of the most common feature requests on Entelo recently has been a filter for "years of experience". After all, sometimes you want raw talent, fresh out of school. Other times you're looking to fill a role that requires, well, a little more seasoning. We've now made it very easy to hone in on people that are more junior or more senior with this years of experience search filter.

Three New Data Sources Help Make Hiring as Easy as ABC

We're excited to announce that we've indexed some new sites at Entelo. We now have profiles from AngelList, Behance and Carbonmade as part of the Entelo search engine. Couldn't resist using that ABC acronym... :) For those who don't know, here's a quick overview of each site:

Announcing Entelo Updates

In a perfect world, what would every recruiter like to have? For many recruiters, if they were able to be notified when a talented person for a role they were looking to fill updated their resume that would be pretty cool. Well, it's the year 2013 and your resume is no longer your resume. For many people, the collection of the social sites that you're active on (e.g., LinkedIn, Github, Twitter, etc.) provide a lot of insight into who you are as a professional. And this includes insight into when you might be getting ready to leave your current position.

Advanced Filters: 3 Powerful Ways to Turbocharge Your Search

We just rolled out a new feature on Entelo that we're pretty excited about. It's a very powerful way to quickly locate very high-quality candidates in certain areas. We're referring to it as "Advanced Filters" and in this blog post we'll show you how to use it.

10 Reasons Why People Choose Entelo

There's a lot going on right now in the emerging category of "social sourcing." We're excited to see the movement in this space and wanted to share some of the reasons we've heard people are choosing Entelo. This isn't of course to say that they are choosing Entelo exclusively (many of our customers also use other products simultaneously) but we often get the question "Why should I choose Entelo?" and thought it was time that we shared some of what we hear from others:

The 10x Engineer: How Do You Find Them?

An interesting Quora thread on the topic. Yishan Wong's answer (below) is well-worth the read (although we don't fully agree with his first point of course!). Check out the rest of the answers here:

New Sonar Study Results, 7x Increase in Productivity (and Why This Matters)

Today at Entelo we released our first-ever study on Sonar, our predictive analytics engine that helps to identify when talented individuals may be more open to new career opportunities. Here's a highlight from our press release:

The 7 Secrets of World-Class Recruiting Organizations (Part 1 of 7): Be “Passive Aggressive”

This is the first post in a seven-part series entitled "The 7 Secrets of World-Class Recruiting Organizations". Over the last 18 months since we founded Entelo, we've had the pleasure of spending some time with some of the world's best recruiting teams. While we can't share everything we've learned, there are some general best practices that we are allowed to pass on. We hope you enjoy this series of posts!

New on Entelo: Search by Skills

With the launch of our new Top Skills functionality we've had a number of questions about how to identify candidates who have a certain skills tag. We use a proprietary system to identify skills for candidates on Entelo (which includes things like questions answered on public forums, code commits, etc.) and there are times when you might want to only find people with a certain skill. You can now do that on Entelo.

Top Skills Make it Even Easier to Find Great Candidates

We've just launched a new feature at Entelo that we think you're going to love: Top Skills. Our ace team of engineers has spent the last year poring over candidate data to identify which candidate skills are the strongest. Why? Well certainly you've all seen a resume with something like this on it:

“Hide” and Go Seek on Entelo

One of the more popular new features on Entelo is our Hide functionality. Let's say you are doing a search in the Bay Area on Entelo for a Ruby Engineer and you come across Wolfram Arnold. He looks like an incredible engineer (I actually know he's an incredible engineer as we worked together on one of my previous companies!). However, he just started a new company called (which is very cool...check it out). So he's probably not interested in a new career opportunity.

The “Caret” Top: A powerful way to search Entelo

One of the things we're very excited about with Entelo is all the little hidden things that people are learning on their way to becoming Entelo power users. One of those things is a very powerful search tool referred to as the "caret" which is represented as the ^ symbol.

Why We’re Building Entelo (Part 3): Routing Opportunity to Talent

This is the third blog post (read the first "You Are More than Your Resume" here and the second "We Want to Help Other Companies Grow here) in a series where I'll be sharing why we're building Entelo. We'll be launching soon and we thought it was time to share a little bit more about our motivations. We feel that the world of employment and hiring is changing and many tools of the past are not adequate for the future.