Kyle Lagunas on Why Talent Teams Aren't Tracking Recruiting Metrics

June 2, 2016 at 12:33 PM by Rob Stevenson

Screen_Shot_2016-06-01_at_11.46.16_PM.pngKyle Lagunas, talent acquisition research manager at IDC, pointed out that no recruiter is going to claim recruitment metrics aren't important.

They will, however, confess to a serious lack of tracking the numbers that speak to the talent team's true value. Lagunas recently did research on the general attitudes and practices around recruitment metrics coverage by talent acquisition teams – in short, an area that's more so preached than practiced.

Lagunas and the Hiring On All Cylinders team dug into the details, live from the Greenhouse Open floor.

At his core, Lagunas is a data guy, urging talent teams to move past vanity metrics that only serve to prove how much work recruiters are doing. That's the difference between "squishy, feel-good people metrics" and key measurements that align with an org's high-level goals. To learn who your strongest recruiters are (and to identify bottlenecks), he suggests segmenting each stage of the entire hiring funnel, comparing metric ratios like the number of days between sourcing and phone screening a candidate, and an offer being extended and accepted.

In an event panel Lagunas moderated earlier that day, Greenhouse Director of Talent Acquisition, Lauren Ryan, also shared how she assesses her team's recruiting capacity (an art oft referred to as interview load balancing) and the impact that has on adjusting their goals to be more reliable and realistic. Similarly, Michelle Delcambre, VP of Recruiting at Zenefits, explained how quality of hire influences the team's sourcing strategies.


An excerpt from "Modern Measures of Success", Lagunas' study based on 498 responses – 50% of respondents with over 500 employees, 20% of respondents with over 5,000 employees.

Lagunas' research reaffirms a truth talent teams are aware of: There is a serious lack of tracking metrics. The rationale for "Why?" ranges far and wide. Tune in below to hear what's to blame for the track-a-lackin', how recruiters can become more data-driven, and the impact of talent analytics on an organization's long-term hiring goals. Don't forget to head on over to iTunes to subscribe!
