John McGrath

Co-founder and VP of Product at Entelo -- John McGrath leads engineering and product development at Entelo. An experienced developer and entrepreneur specializing in SaaS and data engineering, Jon has founded or co-founded two previous startups, one of which sold to Reverb. He’s also worked as a software engineer and senior developer at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and The New York Times, where he specialized in Interactive News Technologies.

Recent Posts

Improved Profile Navigation

Until today viewing Entelo profiles required hub-and-spoke navigation. First you went to a collection of candidates (a set of search results or a list), then you drilled down to a profile. To view the next one you went back to the search or the list, then on to the next profile. It wasn't possible to view them sequentially.

Improved Lists

Lists are one of Entelo's most popular features, and we've received a lot of great customer feedback on how to make them more powerful and easier to use. Many of these suggestions have recently made it into Entelo. Here's a overview of some of the things you can do with lists:

Saved Searches

A common pattern on Entelo is to first to cast a wide net, and then add more specific terms and additional filters until your search returns a crafted set of candidates who match your requirements.

Marking Candidates ‘Viewed’ and ‘Contacted’

You can now indicate if an Entelo profile has been viewed, or if you've contacted the candidate, and organize and sort profiles based on those actions.

Search by Name

Most searches on Entelo tend to be for skills ("Ruby on Rails," "Java"), positions ("VP Marketing"), or both ("senior developer PHP"). But a significant minority are a name, where the searcher is looking for a specific person ("Larry Page").

This Week in Work

Welcome to This Week in Work for Friday, September 21, 2012. A compendium of recent stories on hiring, human resources, company culture, and our professional lives.

This Week in Work

Welcome to This Week in Work, a compendium of recent stories on hiring, human resources, company culture, and our professional lives.

How to Win Engineers and Influence People

An engineer's perspective on sourcing engineers.
At best, engineers view recruiters as a necessary evil. At worst they consider them leeches, sucking cash from hapless clients while adding little value. As with so many troubled relationships, miscommunication is a big part of the problem. Here are some tips to help you woo engineers, from someone who's been on the receiving end of many, many pitches.