3 Recruiting Myths That Should Be Turning Heads

January 29, 2014 at 10:00 PM by Jordan Taylor

myths-vs-factsPerceptions of recruiters continue to evolve in what’s now safe to call “the new era of talent acquisition.” In light of a rapidly-changing economy, and the evolution of social recruiting, you can expect to see a rise in questions centered on the future of recruiting.

Three myths in the making stand out when looking at these futurist-like dialogues and debates.

Myth #1: With the proliferation of companies offering aggregated data from profiles across hundreds of social, professional, and technical websites—it’s looking like recruiters will become obsolete.

Reality: This notion couldn’t be any further from the truth. Leveraging the power of aggregated databases makes recruiters more productive. In a fraction of the time it used to take, they can view work products, see potential availability, gain measurements of reputation, and even catch a glimpse of candidate’s personality. Doing quality research within one seamless SaaS gives recruiters time to be more productive and work on other steps of the recruitment process like selection, screening, and interviewing. Simply put, empowerment through big data means recruiters are more relevant than ever.

Myth #2: Social media changes every element of the recruitment process.

Reality: For the skeptics who feel the value of social engagement is low, remember that it’s about more than branding—it’s about how recruiters join conversations, connect on a personal level with prospective candidates, and follow the rapidly evolving talent landscape. Think of your social media strategy as another spoke in the wheel that allows you to craft a recruiting funnel with a much wider top. Digital footprints are an invaluable source of candidate insights (just remember to not get lost in the noise). Using more channels for hiring means building more interest even with candidates who aren’t seeking new employment. Something to keep in mind: whether you work with an agency, or within a corporation, recruiting is continually being pushed under the umbrella of marketing (so there’s no running from social media).

Myth #3:
Since so much data on candidates can be presented all at once, the need for relationship building is becoming less important.

Reality: Relationship building will always be the cornerstone of your practice. Again, social media is a powerful medium for communication and networking—but don’t forget about picking up the phone or crafting highly communicative emails. These forms of communication are more intimate and personal. Remember too that building contacts and relationships with thought leaders and influencers is a must. Lastly, you can always be thinking about better ways to communicate with hiring managers, other recruiters, and anyone else involved in the decision making process.

If you know of any other less-talked-about myths—please share!

7 recruiting strategies
