Jon Bischke

Founder and CEO of Entelo -- An experienced entrepreneur focused on the intersection of education, employment and technology, Jon Bischke is the co-founder and CEO of Entelo. Previously, Jon was an Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) at Battery Ventures. Prior to that, he was part of the founding teams of a number of companies including Zaadz (acquired by Gaiam, NSDQ:GAIA) and 2000Tutor (acquired by Penton Media, NYSE: PME). Jon has a Masters in Business Administration from the Anderson School of Management at UCLA and a Bachelor of Science in Business from The University of Minnesota.

Recent Posts

Highrise for Recruiting: A Better Way to Manage Your Talent Pipeline (Part One)

We've spoken with hundreds of people in the last year about how they recruit and build their team. One of the common threads that has run through these conversations is how unorganized most people are about keeping track of folks they've reached to about joining their companies. This isn't surprising as we too have been those unorganized company executives in the past and definitely felt the pain of not having the right information in front of us about potential candidates.

Startup Recruiting 101: Strategies, Hacks, and Don’ts

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7 Power Tools for Talent Scouts

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Announcing Entelo: Bringing Talent to Light

"Put yourself on view. This brings your talents to light." -Baltasar Gracian

If there's one thing we're passionate about here at Entelo, it's doing whatever we can to support growing companies. Fast-growth firms are the engines that power our economy. After talking to hundreds of people who are running these companies about how difficult it was to hire people, especially for certain types of positions, we decided we'd do our part to help fix this problem.