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Personalization at Scale: Supercharge Your Outreach With These 4 Techniques

Written by Grace Newman | January 14, 2019 at 9:28 PM

Personalizing at scale – sounds like a bit of an oxymoron, doesn’t it? If we focus on one, it’s often to the detriment of the other. This trade off gives high-volume outreach a bad name: without a scalable way to reach a large audience in a targeted fashion, recruiters are left “spraying and praying.”

On the other hand, a narrow focus on personalization becomes tedious and time consuming. The time spent switching through tabs to research candidates, craft emails, and tailor messages can cost recruiters up to 40% of their productivity.


The solution? Put a process in place that allows you to standardize personalization wherever possible. We’ve tapped into our own Entelo database and the wealth of knowledge from our Customer Success team to bring you 4 practices to help you scale personalization in your outreach strategy:


1. Email Segmentation

Before you begin your outreach, think of an intuitive way to break down your candidate pipeline. Even within a group of candidates for a particular job req, you can further bucket candidates based on current industry, past experiences, degree subject, etc. If you currently track open/click/reply rates through Entelo, you can take this one step further and segment by activity– allowing you to reach out specifically to candidates who have previously opened an email but have not yet engaged.

Once you've decided how you will segment your candidates, use Entelo Lists to add candidates to the appropriate group as you source. When you are ready to begin outreach, you will have all of your “Cybersecurity” sales folks in one place and – without needing to reference each profile– you can quickly plug that tidbit of personalization in as you go.


2. Dynamic Fields

Dynamic fields take your email segmentation to the next level. Using the same example as above, if you choose to segment your candidate pool by Industry experience, you can use dynamic fields to automatically populate that candidate's current industry. For example:


Hi <first name>,


Your extensive experience in <Industry> is hard to come by. I should know, I’ve been looking near and far for someone who’s successfully worked on XXX projects and was so excited to see your work with XXX on XXX. Would you be open to a quick call to discuss an opportunity at <Company>?




3. Social Media

Social media has become a go-to for personalization in recruiting outreach. By quickly scrolling through a candidate’s Twitter, Facebook, Github, personal blogs etc, recruiters are able to extract interesting or relevant content to reference. Some great details to look for are shared connections or schools, recent events they've participated in, or projects that they are currently working on. Building upon our previous example:


Hi <first name>,


Your extensive experience in Cybersecurity is hard to come by. I should know, I’ve been looking near and far for someone who’s successfully worked on Python projects and was so excited to see your project on Github with Jane Smith (a former colleague of mine- say hi!) on incident forensics. Would you be open to a quick call to discuss an opportunity at Entelo?





On average, recruiters reference 7.8 different social media sites to source/recruit passive candidates. That means cross-referencing over 7 open tabs per candidate, contributing to the alarming productivity cost of task switching. It was for this exact purpose that we launched Conversation Starters within Entelo Track. As you write up an email to a candidate, their most recent social media activity populates in a side bar allowing you to quickly scan and pull in relevant content while remaining in the email module: 


4. Inclusive Language

Even if you find the perfect candidate and write a unique, eye-catching message, your efforts may be negated by the very language you use. After examining over 1.5 million recruiting emails sent through Entelo Track, our data science team found that 28% of emails contain biased language. As usage of gender-biased language increased, response rates decreased comparably.

Keep an eye on the language that you use and avoid gendered jargon such as “dominate” or “the best man for the job.”  Entelo Track does this for you, flagging language as you type and suggesting neutral, inclusive alternatives: 



Candidate engagement is a big piece of the Entelo platform. We are constantly looking for new ways to make our intelligent email tool, Entelo Track, smarter, faster, and more efficient. This dedication to improvement has led to the launch of Candidate Lists, Dynamic Fields, Conversation Starters, and Outreach Insights such as Inclusive Language. This week we release Track Lite, a streamlined version of our flagship outreach tool that allows our customers to access Track’s capabilities while using their personal email client. Interested in learning more? See for yourself here.