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This Common Recruiting Technique is a Candidate’s Number One Pet Peeve

Written by Kathleen de Lara | March 11, 2014 at 1:00 PM

But before we get to the good stuff, will you be joining us for the coolest place to be on a Wednesday morning?

We’ve got hotshots, free advice, and the key to kickstarting your team’s best year of recruiting ever. Cross off anything you’ve got planned on March 19 at 10 am PT. This webinar is bound to unleash masses of great strategies for your recruiters, and we want to share the goodness.

Sirona Consulting Founder Andy Headworth is leading a discussion on the most effective messaging techniques to help your team get the best talent from the top of the funnel to your office.

Andy gives us the scoop on what to expect from his webinar, Strategies to Optimize Your Candidate Outreach:

Entelo: What are the top three outreach methods that get candidates to respond to recruiters’ messages?

Andy: It depends on the candidate audience you’re engaging with. Overall, any messaging that’s formatted for a mobile device is the best. Emails work, but because over half of them are opened on a mobile device, recruiters should make sure the links included in the message redirect to mobile-friendly web pages. For me, sending direct messages or public messages on Twitter, and sending text messages are effective. They’re straightforward, direct, and personalized, which can encourage a candidate to reply.

E: What’s a candidate’s biggest pet peeve when it comes to being approached by a recruiter?

A: Easy peasy: Recruiters who communicate using LinkedIn! At least 70% of InMails go unopened. Looks like candidates are making their own choices.

E: Any interesting stories to share about your experiences with candidate outreach?

A: A recruiter recently managed to get his content and profile right in front of the candidates he was targeting, as well as his direct competitors. After doing some Twitter outreach, one of the recruiter’s friends suddenly noticed the content being posted by another friend. The recruiter’s profile was being shared regularly by colleagues simply because he was regularly posting high-quality content!

E: Why should recruiting teams attend the "Strategies to Optimize Your Candidate Outreach" webinar?

A: With the market seemingly getting more limited every day, candidates are the ones primarily in charge of the path of the hiring process — no matter how much a recruiter may budge. More and more recruiters are trying hard to contact the same candidates. Candidate outreach can help recruiters build trust and confidence with candidates, giving a big advantage when it comes to engaging them for potential opportunities.

Want to hear more of Andy’s inside tips to getting more qualified candidates to respond to your messages? Register for our free webinar today! If you haven’t yet sent your RSVP, don’t worry — we saved you the best seat in the house.

Andy Headworth is the founder of Sirona Consulting, an organization that helps companies integrate social media into their existing recruitment strategies. With over 20 years of experience in the recruiting industry, he’s worked with small teams and corporations all over the US, UK, Europe and Middle East. Andy is also the author of Smart Social Media Recruitment Strategies.