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New and Improved Search Results on Entelo

Written by Jon Bischke | April 20, 2012 at 6:14 PM

The wizards on the team here at Entelo have been polishing our search results based on a lot of customer feedback and we're excited to roll out some new changes today. You'll see some new names popping up and, what we hope, are more relevant results. Search quality is really tough to get right (Google's still far from perfect at it after all these years) but we're doing our best to listen to customer feedback and provide an even better user experience.

And if you have absolutely no clue what we're talking about that's probably because you haven't tried out Entelo yet. We'd love to have you do that and there's no time like the present. Just look for the sign-up box to the upper right of this post or hit our homepage to sign up for a free trial.