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The 4 Best Channels to Hone Your Recruitment Skills

Written by Rob Stevenson | August 20, 2014 at 7:13 PM

As an active recruiter fighting for a scarce amount of top candidates, you're intimately aware of the War for Talent. You may not be aware, however that there is another war being waged, simultaneously, and in a parallel fashion. The War for Content is real, it is ubiquitous, and it is right in your face. Anyone with a wordpress account and more than 500 Twitter followers is a "Thought Leader", and anyone with more than 2 years experience is a "Guru". This creates a sticky situation for recruiters, as you want to ingest the best content to help you grow in your career without the slow and costly lessons of trial and error. So how do you sift through the noise and find only the best recruitment content? Easy, you keep reading this post!


1. Crack Open these eBooks!

Ebooks are a great way to dig into a specific area in a short amount of time, and even better, they're usually free. Here's a handful of great eBooks you should read or pass along to your team:

Jobvite produces some high quality and data-driven eBooks, completely free of charge. This one on Job Seeker Mobility has some great data on why candidates leave their jobs and when, which can do wonders for your timing. 

Once you're convinced that a sleek, innovative piece of software featuring never-before-seen tools (hint, hint), you may still need to get the higher-ups on board before you can splash the cash. This eBook, also from Jobvite can help you frame your argument so you can land the tool you need.

Over at Entelo, we're also learning your pain points and doing the research to solve the problems. After surveying job seekers across the country, we provided these insights about how talent prefer to be contacted. On a more technical level, Boolean search strings can be intimidating to new sourcers. Here's a crash course in how to craft complex search strings to find exactly who you're looking for.

2. Tweet the Deets!

Twitter is full of some key influencers, shaped by years of experience and boiling their insight down into easily digestible tweets, as well as sharing their own blog posts and favorite recruitment content from around the web. Unfortunately, for every valuable follow, there's 10 pretenders. One way to circumnavigate the noise is through a list. One of my personal favorite recruiters, Stacy Zapar of Zappos, put together this list of her own mentors who are active on the Twitterverse. Subscribe and glean the insight!


3. Learn from Your Peers

One of the best ways to learn your craft is to network with professionals who are facing the same challenges as you. There are a handful of great places for recruiters to do this on the internet:

  • RecruitingBlogs. Think of this as a social network/content aggregator for recruiters. Here, thousands of talen acquisition pros are sharing their challenges, discussing the solutions, and posting original content for the community.
  • Effectively, this is the Quora for recruiters. SourceCon is at that beautiful stage of any internet community where there are a small amount of very active but very knowledgeable members, all of whom asking interesting questions and sharing their own valuable experiences. Hop on!
  • On a related note, make sure you're browsing the relevant section of Quora. Here, you can prod top recruiters to answer your questions. Even if you only lurk, there's a wealth of information on your industry to soak up here.

4. Don't Miss the Webinars!

Webinars are a fantastic way to learn from experienced pros in a longer format that really allows presenters to stretch their legs and help you earn the insight. ERE and SocialTalent are two great places to start, and if you want to get a bit more specific, Entelo is bringing the heat with our social webinar series! Register to attend live or download the recordings to view at your leisure.


What are some other sources for valuable recruitment content? Leave a comment or tweet @EnteloRob!