Quick Tips on Building an Employee Referral Program

Good news: You already have your most valuable recruiting tool. Or actually, “tools,” for that matter.

We’ve said it before. In case you need a refresher: Your employees are not only great because they’re the vessel to your organization’s goals, but because these team members most likely have an impressive network that can be harmoniously merged with yours.

Cue the employee referral program, of course.

5 Candidate Outreach Methods to Try this Week

Recruiters: Got a bad case of the Mondays? Us, too.

It’s uncommon to eventually reach a week when activities are slightly out of order and it becomes puzzling trying to find your way back to your regular rhythm. Writers get writer's block. Recruiters get something more like a hiring block.

If you’re looking for a way to shake up your usual candidate outreach routine, try these tips:

How to Improve Employee Retention Rates

Nobody likes a stage five clinger.

In the recruiting world, however, these are the best kinds of clingers. Stage six? Even better.

In December 2013 alone, there were over 4 million turnovers in the United States. Are any of your employees one of them? Check out these strategies to making sure your top performers stick around.

Started from HR Now We Here: 3 Top-Level HR Veterans

Although the nature of talent acquisition and management remains absolutely crucial to the development of an organization, it is a sad fact that the HR department often gets overlooked when it comes time to select Senior Executives.

This is not always the case, however, as there are a handful of high-level professionals who either cut their teeth in HR or found themselves managing aspects of it on the way up. Read on for several examples of top brass at huge companies with HR on their resumes.

Why You Already Have Your Most Valuable Recruiting Tool

Your company’s most rewarding asset is sitting at least three feet from you, and for the most part, costs close to nothing.

Perhaps your company’s net worth is only as good as its network. Or maybe not — we just like the way that sounds. In any case, there’s no doubt that your company’s employees are one of your best assets — not only because they’re vital members of your company’s foundation, but also because they can connect you with others who can help build a successful work team.

Are Your Résumé Screening Techniques Up to Date?

As a recruiter, you may suffer from tired-résumé-eyes syndrome. Symptoms include decreased attention to qualifying candidates, monstrous stacks of cover letters and applications, and a team with a formidable turnover rate — or worse, an especially slow hiring pace. (Whoops.)

Don’t fret. Check out these strategies to apply to your résumé screening method. They may just be the cure-all.

Tales from the Other Side of the Interview Table

Every so often, question-and-answer community Quora comes through with an absolute gem. This particular go-around, we were all fortunateenough that the discussion thread surrounded recruitment, specifically, candidates' best stories from their interactions with us noble talent acquisition pros. The discussion features both sides of the competence spectrum, including recruiters going above and beyond the call of duty, as well as turning positively sour and leaving an awful taste in the candidate's mouth. Here are some of our favorite responses:

Low Budget, Top Talent: It’s Possible

“No budget, no problem! Come on down and find out how you can start reeling in all-star candidates today! We’ve got the best employees on the market — all for a fraction of the price. You can hire any one of these hotshots with practically zero dollars in your wallet! We guarantee it. But wait, there’s more! Give us a call within the next 10 minutes and we’ll throw in a second candidate for free. Let us show you the way to the hallowed hiring haven.”

Sound too good to be true? It probably is.

Sourcing top talent is already a challenge, but add another layer of limited resources and you’ve got a frustrating, although not uncommon, problem.

For most recruiters, finding the dimes in a dozen isn’t cheap, but just because your organization is working with a small budget doesn’t mean the quality of your candidate should reflect as such.

4 Strategies for Seamless Recruiter-Hiring Manager Communication

As the old proverb goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.”

These days, while it may not take a village to find a candidate, there are times when it definitely feels that way. The hiring process isn’t always easy or smooth, but reinforcing your organization from the ground up is the key to building a robust recruiting team — starting with recruiters and hiring managers.

The two groups are notorious for butting heads, yet despite their differences, recruiters and hiring managers share a single, common bond: to quickly hire qualified candidates.

Why Forming a Recruiter & Hiring Manager Partnership Isn’t as Hard as You Think

Building a team often requires a team effort. Why hiring managers and recruiters need to work together to hire the right people is anything but ambiguous: their collaborative efforts can make or break a company.

Cultivating a successful relationship between both parties begins with defining expectations, building trust, and creating an unshakable foundation for persistent communication.

Hiring managers and recruiters try to solve the same set of problems, yet far too often they approach the solutions with drastically different motivations and goals.

4 Tactics to Ensure Quality of Hire During Hypergrowth

This is the second in a two-part series covering how to recognize top recruiting metrics and refuse to sacrifice one for another, particularly in times of hypergrowth. In this post, Sr. Tech Recruiter Andrew Parrott discusses how to maintain quality in hectic times of hypergrowth.

In my previous post, I discussed Quality of Hire as the most important recruiting metric, and explained methods for recognizing quality in potential hires. Unfortunately, finding quality hires can be a lengthy process, and oftentimes, recruiters have an immediate need to put bodies at desks. It is, however, possible to find a balancing point between the two and not sacrifice quality for timeliness. Follow these 4 tenets to ensure both hiring quality and quantity for your organization.

What Engineers Truly Want Isn’t in the Break Room

The competition for software engineers is intense. And why shouldn't it be? Brilliant and engaged engineers form the backbone of your company. If you want to hire the best engineers on the market you need to focus on what they want. Many companies try to tempt talent with extravagant work perks--gourmet meals, outlandish game rooms, unlimited vacation, napping stations, fitness classes, recording studios and many more bonuses.

While this approach has its virtues, you don’t want to lose sight of enticing engineers by appealing to the very nature of their profession. You have to understand the fascinating mind it takes to engage in their field of work, and speak to their values.

Quality of Hire: Recognizing the Most Crucial Recruiting Metric

This is the first in a two-part series covering how to recognize top recruiting metrics and refuse to sacrifice one for another, particularly in times of hypergrowth. In this first post, Sr. Tech Recruiter Andrew Parrott discusses how to define, recognize, and ensure quality of hire.

I don’t want to be “that guy” and begin with a clichéd Steve Jobs quote, so I’m going to cleverly sneak in a quick reference to what is in my opinion the seminal philosophic approach to recruiting, a book excerpt published in Businessweek in October 1998 where Jobs succinctly outlines why "Hiring the Best Is Your Most Important Task."

Two Must-Have Traits for First-String Hiring Managers

Recruiters will at times have their motives and character in question. The best recruiters out there—those who work hard on being ethical, moral, and studious—consistently have to ward off sharp criticisms and harsh critiques of their profession. But what about hiring managers, why aren’t they examined closely under the microscope?

Hiring managers are essential to the hiring process. When appointing a hiring manager, make sure they’re innovative thinkers and intense collaborators.

28 Illuminating Questions to Ask Passive Candidates

You've scoured their LinkedIn, Github, and Twitter. The candidate seems to be a star, has been in the same role with their company between 10 months-2 years, and you're ready to act.

You've done your research, identified the elusive passive candidate, and are ready to engage.

Now what?