Tales from the Other Side of the Interview Table

February 14, 2014 at 5:51 AM by Rob Stevenson

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Every so often, question-and-answer community Quora comes through with an absolute gem. This particular go-around, we were all fortunateenough that the discussion thread surrounded recruitment, specifically, candidates' best stories from their interactions with us noble talent acquisition pros. The discussion features both sides of the competence spectrum, including recruiters going above and beyond the call of duty, as well as turning positively sour and leaving an awful taste in the candidate's mouth. Here are some of our favorite responses:

Read Quote of Kartik Ayyar's answer to Recruiting: What is your best story of dealing with a recruiter? on Quora

This is a great example of hiring staff Inverting the Funnel and considering the candidate not merely as a way to fill the open req, but as an individual with interests whom they want to build a full time relationship. The way the author tells the story, it sounds as though the recruiters never made a pushy pitch for a position, and instead chatted with the pro about the industry, all while playfully fulfilling a request the candidate made in jest. Top marks, Microsoft.

Read Quote of Scott Danzig's answer to Recruiting: What is your best story of dealing with a recruiter? on Quora

Not a great first impression made here.

Read Quote of Archana Ananthanarayan's answer to Recruiting: What is your best story of dealing with a recruiter? on Quora

The age old criticism of recruiters not understanding the roles they're filling rings horrifically true in this case. Surely, there is no quicker way to lose a candidate's interest than by insulting them by not even truly understanding their skill sets.

Check out more stories of recruitment interaction as told by candidates by viewing the full Quora thread.

What are some of your best experiences with other recruiters? Let us know in the comments or tweet @EnteloRob!

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