How to Get Shy Recruiters to Be Better Networkers

May 15, 2014 at 6:00 AM by Kathleen de Lara

how to be a better networkerFor some reason, you have probably been trained to believe that being vocal, loud, and assertive are signs of strength and good leadership. But that ideology isn't entirely true, and realistically, there are recruiters who got into the game and didn't exactly embody spirit squad-like traits at the start.

Bill Gates, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, and Albert Einstein were all regarded as introverts at some point of their lives. Whether or not they eventually developed more gregarious traits, however, they all GSD.

Introverts are usually viewed as being passive, pensive, and selective with whom they choose to interact. Recruiters who exemplify these traits, however, can delay the company's hiring strategies and processes. Being an introverted recruiter may actually sound very much like an oxymoron, but a mix of introverts and extroverts can create a healthy balance of different work styles.  

Recruiters who are a little more reserved than the rest of the team could also find it hard to source and engage candidates, express their ideas, criticize your management style, or to follow through with their plans.

If you have doubts about your own networking strategies, or are looking for ways to motivate team members falling behind, here's how to be a better networker.

Remember the gradual release of responsibility.

Perhaps the thought of networking is a scary one, so start slowly. Get recruiters to answer more emails, attend events, or meet with candidates you've selected for them. Over time, consider putting these recruiters in charge of leading a meeting or a networking event hosted by the company.

Gradually hand off manageable levels of responsibility that enables team members to do more than go through the motions. Encourage recruiters to establish rapport with whoever they're meeting with by talking less and listening more. People enjoy sharing personal details and sometimes, breaking the ice is the toughest part of a conversation.

Here are some resources to start networking and meeting with other industry professionals and even potential candidates:

Of course, the list wouldn't be complete without a little bit of Entelo love and our eBook on candidate outreach, which is a prime resource for recruiters building relationships with potential hires.

Similarly, for a recruiter who's already out and about networking, inspire them to connect with others as if it was a sale.

During an event, Entrepreneur Magazine's "Networking Guru" Ivan Misner asked the 900 attendees if they wanted to sell something and almost everyone raised their hands. Alternatively, no one wanted to buy anything.

The lesson? Networking is a transaction. Think "connections," not "networks." 

Before handing over your business card, try asking the other person for theirs first. “Build rapport in a low-key way. The other person will remember you better if you’re focused on them,” speaker Josh Hinds said.

Nike knew a thing or two about just doing it. Finding your niche of interpersonal interaction takes years to develop, but there's no other way to overcome the uncertainty without some good ole trial and error. Don't forget to share feedback on a recruiter's progress, too.  

Effective recruiters have the ability to make genuine connections, take the time to learn more about candidates' personal and professional goals, and strive to find a way to make an opportunity work around that. 

What's your networking net worth? Tweet us @Entelo and don't forget to subscribe to our blog!


